Jobber (grunnleggende): Legg til manuelt eller automatisk

Each job is an individual service a client pays for. A job goes into a pipeline specifically designed for the service it requires. Once a pipeline has been created, you add jobs to it. 

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Legg til jobber manuelt

To add jobs to a pipeline, choose the way that works best for you:

  • Go to Workflow > Pipelines from the left menu bar, select the pipeline, then click Add job.
  • Klikk på NY øverst til venstre, og velg deretter Jobb fra uttrekksmenyen. 
  • Gå til Kunder > Kontoer i menylinjen til venstre, merk av i avmerkingsboksene ved siden av kontoene jobben gjelder for, og klikk deretter på Legg til jobb.
  • Klikk på + Opprett ny jobb mens du kobler en jobb fra dokumentopplastingssiden, og klikk deretter på Oppdater jobblisten når jobben er opprettet.

Nedenfor finner du mer informasjon om de nummererte seksjonene:

1. Accounts: Add or remove the names of accounts here. The job always performed for a specific account, so you need to select at least one from the list.

2. Pipeline: Select the pipeline for the jobs. (If you’re adding jobs from the pipeline itself, you can skip this)

3. Stage: Select the initial stage for the job in the pipeline. By default, the first stage is selected.

4. Template: To quickly create jobs, select a template with a custom job name, dynamic data (fields that automatically get filled in, such as with the date and account name), description, due date, comments, and so on. For more details about job templates, go here.

5. Name: This is the name that is displayed on the job cards in a pipeline.

6. Assignees: Select the employees for jobs. To learn more about assigning jobs, go here.

7. Priority: Choose the priority level for jobs: Low, High, Medium, or Urgent.

8. Description: Use different text formatting, emojis, bullets, numbered lists, and even links here. You can also mention your team members to get them notified of the job without having to assign it to them. However, if they don't have access to the job, they will only receive the Inbox+ and email notifications but won't be able to open the job itself.

9, 10. Start Date, Due date: This is the date when the job has to be finished. Setting dates is optional but can be a helpful time-management tool. You’ll be able to identify which jobs are overdue by the exclamation mark icon next to their names in the jobs list. 

11. Add a comment: Click the Add button on the top right to leave any useful notes here; for example, something your team members might need to know in order to do jobs.

12. Add a wiki page: If you have internal instructions for this kind of job, click the Add button on the top right to link them to the template for your team members.

13. Add: Click to add job(s) to a pipeline. If adding multiple jobs isn’t fully successful, you’ll get a notification explaining why in your Inbox+. Go here for more details.

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