Jobbautomatisering: Feilsøking

Sometimes, an automated action might fail—a job isn’t added to a pipeline automatically or an automation doesn’t work when a job is automoved til en ny scene, for eksempel.

Du får alltid et varsel i Inbox+ når en automatisering mislykkes. Det er alltid en grunn til at den mislyktes - og en måte å fikse det på. Les videre for å finne ut hvordan du feilsøker.

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Send e-post-automatisering mislyktes

"Kan ikke sende e-post. Det finnes ingen koblede kontakter med 'Varsle' aktivert."

What went wrong: A job with a Send Email automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the job is for an account that is still offline (the user of the account cannot receive email from TaxDome until they have activated the account).

The fix: In the Failed to add Jobs to Pipeline box, click on the account name, go to the Info tab, then invite the client to use their TaxDome portal by turning the LOGIN toggle on (to see detailed instructions, go here).

"'Fra'-feltet er tomt i e-postmalen."

What went wrong: A job with a Send Email automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the email template’s From field wasn’t filled in.

Løsningen: Skriv inn navnet på avsenderen i malens Fra-felt (du finner mer informasjon her).

"Den angitte avsenderen kan ikke sende e-post. Vennligst sjekk handlingsinnstillingene"

What went wrong: A job with a Send Email automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the team member who sent the email either (1) hasn’t synced their email with TaxDome or (2) entered a name that doesn’t match their own in the email template.

Løsningen: Teammedlemmet må enten (1) synkronisere e-posten sin eller (2) endre navnet på avsenderen i e-postmalen slik at det samsvarer med deres eget navn (du finner mer informasjon her).

"Den angitte avsenderen har ikke tillatelse til å sende e-post fra e-postkontoen sin."

What went wrong: A job with a Send Email automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the team member named as the sender actually did not allow other team members to send emails on their behalf.

Løsningen: Teammedlemmet må tillate at andre teammedlemmer sender e-post på deres vegne i innstillingene for e-postsynkronisering (du finner mer informasjon her).

Andre problemer med automatisering av jobber

"Kan ikke opprette oppgaven fordi forfallsdatoen allerede er passert"

What went wrong: A job with a Send Task automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the due date specified in the task template has already expired.

Løsningen: Endre forfallsdatoen i oppgavemalen(se hvordan) eller bruk relative datoer ved å slå av funksjonen Absolutte datoer.

Send melding: "Avsenderens tillatelser tillater ikke at du utfører denne handlingen."

What went wrong: A job with a Send Message automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the employee named as the sender in the message template either (1) doesn’t have access rights to view all clients or (2) is not assigned to the account the message is for.

Løsningen: (1) Gi teammedlemmet som er angitt som avsender i e-postmalen tilgangsrettigheter til å se alle klienter (sehvordan) eller (2) endre navnet på avsenderen(se hvordan).

“Some messages were not sent. The following accounts are in status Offline, so we couldn’t send messages to them”

What went wrong: A job with a Send Message automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the job is for an account that is offline (the users of this account cannot receive notifications emails until it is activated).

The fix: In the Failed to add Jobs to Pipeline box, click on the account name, go to the Info tab, then either invite the client to use their TaxDome portal by turning the LOGIN toggle on (to see detailed instructions, go here).

Opprett forslag: "Handling forbudt! Brukerrettighetene dine tillater ikke at du utfører denne handlingen."

What went wrong: A job with a Send Proposal automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because the employee trying to launch the automation doesn’t have access rights to manage proposals.
Løsningen: Gi teammedlemmet som er angitt som avsender i forslagsmalen, tilgangsrettigheter til å administrere forslag ( se hvordan).

"Det er ingen koblede kontakter med "Signatarmyndighet" aktivert"

What went wrong: A job with a Send Proposal automation couldn’t be automatically added to a pipeline or couldn’t be automoved to the next stage. This happened because a job is for an account that has linked contacts that don’t have the  Signatory authority turned on.

The fix: In the Failed to add Jobs to Pipeline box, click on the account name, go to the Info tab, then click the three-dots icon to the right of the contact’s email address and select Enable Signatory authority (for more details, go here).

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